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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Digital Tool 2: Concept Mapping for Learning

Week one overview of Managing E-Learning is displayed in a concept map created on bubbl.us. At first it appeared to be quite easy to create, just enter in the words to then move the bubble or link it to another word. Though as my concept map became larger adding a new bubble others around would adjust by moving further away or get tangled amongst other bubbles. It became a little frustrating to position the bubbles in the exact spot wanted. I think if used in the classroom setting within the younger years where there would only be a few main points from the main topic it would be a great digital tool as the colors are an engaging and can be used to show certain links within the main topic. I think with practice and patience perhaps using this tool would not be as tedious, as I would like to incorporate this digital tool of concept mapping into my future classroom as it was engaging, effective and visually appealing. It could be used as a great hook by brainstorming with the students at the beginning of a lesson or unit to see what the children already know about a certain topic and what they would like to know.

Here is my concept map... the topic is week’s one overview for Managing E-Learning.

I would like to hear about your experience of
creating a digital concept map.


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