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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Digital Tool 10: Youtube

The YouTube clip I have chosen is a basic demonstration of ‘Moon cycles Effects on tides’ it is slow clip showing when it is Full moon that it is a spring tide, etc. This clip would be useful in science for upper primary to look at ‘How does the moon affect the tides’. Using this as an introduction while stopping the clip to ask students about their prior knowledge on tides such as (What do we know about tides? How are they caused? How many types of tides are there? What are the names of tides? Use students’ responses to fill in the know section on a KWL chart. This could be used as a engaging hook into the beginning of a unit or a lesson.


  1. Great ideas for using youtube, and activity ideas for the video. I think videos can be an underestimated tool. I have added a link about Brainpop on my blog ( a site that is full of animated educational videos, not all of them free), I have included a link to a Brainpop movie. Check out the read write think interactives while there. What do you think ?

  2. Thanks Sadi,

    I agree videos are a vital to use within the classroom they have unlimited uses to ranging from just an engagement tool to a hook at the beginning of a lesson or unit.

  3. hey Guys,

    I agree with all the ideas you are proposing about Youtube. It is a amazing tool to use in the classroom to access and gain knowledge for the student to develop on. There is endless amounts of knowledge available on Youtube i see the challenge to us is how do we productively embedded this tool into our pedagogy.

  4. I agree that YouTube is an abundent resource but another point to consider is the safety of our children as websites like YouTube are not censored and much of the material could be offensive. Therefore it is essential for us as future learning managers to consider every aspect when implementing these technological tools.
