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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Digital Tool 4 - Weebly Website

The difference between weebly to a blog and wikis is that creator decides on the content and structure alone, and nobody else is able to edit, or add to it. This makes a website ideal for teachers to upload examples of students work, or activities they are to complete.

How can a website be used within the learning context: - Engage the learners through audio/ visual images (cater for visual and audio learners).- Students have ownership of the design process.- Be used by the teacher to guide the learning process. - Samples of students work.- Daily News Page which allows parents to have insight of their childs learning. - Teacher profile including contact details.- Newsletter (excursion notes).- Classroom/school behaviour management policies and procedures.-Homework activities.

Creating my own website made me reflect on how positive this tool could be used within the classroom context. I like the idea of creating a website with activities and information (e.g. homework, assignment, newsletters, etc) for students to access. I created an S.W.O.T analysis for how effective it could be in a classroom context:

If you would like to visit my Weebly site, here is my URL:


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