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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Digital Tool 5: Powerpoint

I have just completed the powerpoint learning activities. It was clear what to do therefore making it and enjoyable learning experience. In tutorial two it was amazing that you can just type in microsoft word an outline of what your planning to teach then you select certain text under the subheadings to 'demoted text' which become dot points once you select 'send to powerpoint'. Through doing it this way it allowed me to just concentrate on the content needed instead of getting side tracked with adding in transitions, graphics and sounds.

Powerpoints within in the classroom context can be used to:
· Introduce a new topic.
· Showing information about a topic.
· To give instructions to an activity including visual images.
· Photo slides.
· Students create own PP for an assessment task.
· Tell a students learning journey within a certain subject.

The list is endless. Power points can be used effectively if they provide clear content/instructions that are relevant and meaningful to the students learning. Graphics, sounds and transitions used within the power point need to relate to the topic/activity or instructions as if used inappropriately or excessively this can be a distraction to the learners taking away from the content that is needed to be taught.

I have also uploaded a slide out of ‘My learning journey within the Arts’. It is great to use powerpoint as one ICT tool within the classroom as it breaks up from the teacher standing at the front of the class giving a task or explaining a new topic.

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