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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 2 - Digital Learning Frameworks

This week we were asked to select a framework that was most suitable for my digital learning design. Having just read the various frameworks by Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) and Eisenberg and Berkowitz (1987) as in the Vann diagram below both frameworks have numerous features and similarities. The framework that I related to the most was ‘The Big6 framework Skills’ approach to information and problem solving as the process. The steps are guided for teachers and students to work through allowing a clear understanding of what is required to do academically well. I agree with Eisenberg that the Big6 is a “set of basic, essential life skills” as it helps the students to work efficiently and more productively with technology. As technology is all around us and it is blooming faster than what we can keep up with it is essential living within the 21st century to be computer smart. On the internet there is an overload of information though this framework teachers students how to “find, process, and use information effectively” (Einsberg, 2001). For students that have gained these skills they will know what to access and how to access it therefore being more time smart while gaining a deeper understanding. Big6 is a great framework for many activities and tasks.
References.Eisenberg, M. (2001, November 19). Big6™ Skills Overview. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from The Big6™: http://www.big6.com/2001/11/19/a-big6%E2%84%A2-skills-overview/


  1. I agree The big 6 learning theory is a great E-Learning theory to implement in our classrooms as it helps students to use technology tools as systematic process to gain the knowledge needed to successful complete a task.

  2. Thanks Kym,

    The Big 6 framework is a great systematic process as it helps students to gain knowledge of how to use web materials adequately. Such as in the use of a Wiki students work more time smart cutting out wasted time as it teaches students what to look for, where to look for it and what is useful for them (Eisensberg, 2001). It will be a great framwork to embed in our future classrooms.

    Eisenberg, M. (2001, November 19th). The Big6 Skills Overview. Retrieved July 24,2010,
    From: The Big6: http://www.big6.com/2001/11/19/a-big6%E2%84%A2-skills-overview/
