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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Digital Tool 11: Movie Maker

This short movie was created with the purpose to enage learners within the Arts KLA.

Movie maker was an easy and fun tool to navigate around in as you can easily drop images, audio, transitions and effects in the storyboard or timeline. It is engaging way to introduce a new topic or to display pictures or video from a class excursion, awards night, school events e.g under 8’s day, etc. To then adding music, transitions, effects to be more creative.

In the classroom students could create their own movies within a play, T.V interview, presentation, etc. It would be a good learning experience allowing students to become familiar with this ICT technology skills and to be able to watch themselves back on DVD to be able to self reflect. Through using movie maker it caters for audio learners through listening, visual through watching and kinaesthetic through hands on making.

A consideration of using movie maker is to ensure that you have constant access to computers and that students are aware of the copyright laws. It could be a time consuming process as the students will be learning what the buttons do as well as the features for them to be able to successfully compile, edit and produce their movies.

For quotes on Movie Maker:

About.com. (2010). In an artsedge: Hans Hoffman. Retrieved July 28, 2010, from www.artsedge.kennedycenter.org/explore/qts.ctm

About.com. (2010). In Womens history: Martha Graham. Retrieved July 28, 2010, from www.womenshostoryabout.com/cs/quotes/a/qu_graham_m.html

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