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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Digtial Tool 9: Podcasts

Finally done....I went to MyPodcast.com which is no longer accepting new podcast users at the current time. Therefore as I am new to all of this, I took the long way of using sound recorder on my computer then downloading the free studio dvdvideosoft to convert the audio then upload it to podomatic.com that I also had to sign up to. What a long learning experience. MY first attempt had no sound then after a lot of fiddling around I realised that instead of uploading a file you were able to record on this site through the use of a microphone so I then re-recorded my podcast. I have now successfully created my first podcast. I recorded myself reading ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox as this would be a great tool to use within the classroom for story telling or the visually impaired. As I believe that podcast could be used to teach literacy skills while engaging students to learn. Langwitches (2010) describes students are engaged and stimulated through podcasting in the classroom context while developing basic literacy skills. Also while using podcast it is also teaching the students more technological ICT skills. There are unlimited used for students to use a podcast: news interview, sportscast, comedian show, promotional clips or interviews or to provide information about a task/activity, etc. Podcasting is a great ICT audio tool.


Langwitches. (2010, January 9). It's Not About the Tools. It's About the Skills. Retrieved
August 21, 2010, from Langwitches Blog: The Magic of Learning: http://langwitches.org/blog/2010/01/09/its-not-about-the-tools-its-about-the-skills/

If you would like to visit my podcast here is the link:



  1. Hi Nat,

    I love how you chose to read a story as your podcast - very effective!
    By doing exactly what you did in your podcast, the students are not only engaging on a high level but they are also learning skills such as literacy, pronunciation and even listening skills.

    Was creating your podcast easy?? I'd love to hear your opinion.

    - Hannah

  2. Thanks Hannah,

    Creating a podcast was quite consuming for me as I am new to it and I had to do a different process to what was on moodle as the site was no longer taking new members. Though once I was done I now see that it is a worthwhile tool to implement in the classroom. I decided to do my voice as I was reading Possum Magic to the my prep class this week and thought it would be an engaging tool. The students listen to my voice as I just turn the pages as something new to them. Though unfortunatley the computer in our room was getting fixed. :(

  3. Podcast they will prove to be excellent tool to use in the class for more ways than one.

    Imagine as a Learning Manager creating podcasts with your lesson embedded so your students could download and listen at home or on their iPods.

    Students when they create podcast for themselves will grow in confidence in speaking as well as listening.

    I enjoy listing to audio books when I am learning something new and students who are visually,audibly and digitally "tuned in" today they will find learning really cool.

    Cheers Natalie and thank you also for the great comment about my blog,

